Curriculum Vitae ,
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Institute of Inorganic Chemistry , Graz University of Technology ,
Stremayrgasse 9/5, A-8010 Graz ,
Useful links
S imulations and Animations in Small-Angle-Scattering
Use mirror site instead if graphics/plots don't work: . There are also more SAS-online tools.
for various geometrical, homogeneous shapes. JavaScript
for spheres, discs and rods (homogeneous). JavaScript
I(q)-calculator for concentric shell models: for spheres, discs, rods
and for ellipsoids, cylinders . JavaScript
for concentric shell models. JavaScript
I(q)-p(r)-Debye-calculator for models composed of up to 20 or
up to 40 spheres. JavaScript. (Example) .
I(q)-p(r)-Debye-calculator for fractal models: Sphereflake , box fractal
and Menger Sponge . JavaScript
for various lattices (1D-lam, 2D-hex, 3D-cubic). JavaScript
Electron density calculator for 1D-lamellar lattices. JavaScript
Electron density calculator for 2D-square lattices. JavaScript
Electron density calculator for 2D-hexagonal lattices. JavaScript
Rg-calculator for homogeneous models (ellipsoid, cylinder, cone, torus,....) JavaScript
Rg-calculator for Polygonal Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders, Cones, Ellipsoids Paraboloids and Tori JavaScript
Rg-calculator for Platonic Solids and Polyhedra JavaScript (Examples) ,
(IUCr-2014 Abstract) ,
(IUCr-2014 Poster)
Rg-calculator for objects composed of different shapes JavaScript
Rg-calculator for simple concentric shell models
Rg-calculator for complex concentric shell models
Simulation of a scattering curve from a cylindrical model
Permitted hkl reflections for the 17 cubic aspects
Shape reconstruction of S1 by simulated annealing (animation by D.Svergun using
Conformational changes of Calmodulin: Scattering curve I(q) and p(r)-function (simulations)
Specific inner surface area (Si) calculated from SAXS-curves by means of Porod's constant k and Invariant Q (simulation)
Horizontal beam profile calculation for slit-height desmearing JavaScript
Porod exponent in slit-height/detector-width smeared curves JavaScript
with graphics ,
SAS-2012 Poster
Angular scale conversions (q, 2*theta) in Small-Angle Scattering JavaScript
NCNR tools (contrast, SLD, simulations of formfactors and reflectivity)
BayesAPP: Calculates p(r) online from a SAS dataset by a Bayesian IFT algorithm (by S.Hansen, A.H.Larsen and M.C.Pedersen)
W orkshops/Symposia/Courses/Schools
25th IUCr congress satellite events: (Bio)SAXS/(Bio)SANS school and
GISAS workshop , Aug.2021, CZ
Solution Scattering from Biological Macromolecules, EMBL, Hamburg, Germany, 2018
Solution Scattering from Biological Macromolecules, EMBL, Hamburg, Germany, May/June 2020 , online lecture course
Hamburg SAXS Symposium, EMBL, Hamburg, Germany, 2019
EMBO Practical Course: SANS and SAXS from biomacromolecules in solution, Grenoble, 2019
EMBO Practical Course: SANS and SAXS from biomacromolecules in solution, Grenoble, 2022
EMBO Global Exchange Lecture Course: Structural and biophysical methods for biological macromolecules in solution, Santiago, Chile, 2019
HERCULES European School, Grenoble, France
NXS: National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering, Argonne and Oak Ridge, USA
Cheiron School 2015, SPring-8, Japan
SAXS on Nanosystems (20 years Austrian SAXS-beamline). Trieste, Italy, Oct. 2016
SAXS excites. International SAXS Symposium 2017/2019/2022. Graz, Austria, Sept. 2017/2019/2022
U niversities and Research Institutes
O rganisations, Agencies, Institutions, Societies and Unions
S ynchrotron and N eutron S ources
S oftware for SAXS and SANS