Viktoria Pammer-Schindler

Viktoria Pammer-Schindler



I'm an associate professor in HCI and EdTech at Graz University of Technology and Deputy Head of the Institute of Human-Centred Computing. I'm also a research area manager at the Know-Center.

Research - Teaching - CVContact

Humans, Computers, and Knowledge

Designing interactive systems from a socio-technical and learning perspective.

How can computers help humans be productive and become competent? The question aims both at designers of systems – how can such computational systems be built – and at users – how can computational systems be used for this purpose.

I have served the scientific community in editorial and organisational roles for instance at the ACM CHI, EC-TEL or ACM Mensch und Computer; as a special issue editor at renowned journals like the IEEE Transactions on Technologies for Learning and the British Journal of Educational Technology; and as a member of international boards such as the president of the International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era, and secretary for the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning.

I regularly engage in scientific outreach via talks or articles directed to a general audience. Examples (all in German) are my blog series on digitalisation and interaction hosted by derStandard, an Austrian daily newspaper; my article on the need to consider socio-technical systems when talking about ethics in relationship to AI published at the Falter, an Austrian weekly magazine; or my talk about AI, knowledge and the development of expertise in a Business Brunch.

Research Streams:

Selected Publications

  1. Mia Bangerl, Leonie Disch, Tamara David, & Viktoria Pammer-Schindler (2025). CreAItive Collaboration? Users' Misjudgment of AI-Creativity Affects Their Collaborative Performance. Accepted for publication at CHI 2025. A* Conference
  2. Behzad Mirzababaei & Viktoria Pammer-Schindler (2024). Facilitating the Learning Engineering Process for Educational Conversational Modules using Transformer-based Language Models. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. IF=3.7/Q1 DOI:
  3. Michael Fruhwirth & Viktoria Pammer-Schindler (2023). Towards Principles for a Data-Driven Business Model Innovation Process - A Design Science Case Study. Proceedings of the 36th Bled eConference. Outstanding paper award.
  4. Irmtraud Wolfbauer, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Katharina Maitz & Carolyn Rosé (2022). A Script for Conversational Reflection Guidance: A Field Study on Developing Reflection Competence with Apprentices. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 15, No. 5, p. 554-566. IF=4.433 DOI:
  5. Leonie Disch, Angela Fessl & Viktoria Pammer-Schindler. Designing for Knowledge Construction to Facilitate the Uptake of Open Science: Laying out the Design Space. ACM Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction, 2022 (CHI 2022). A* Conference
  6. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler & Michael Prilla (2021). The Reflection Object: An Activity-Theory Informed Concept for Designing for Reflection. Interacting with Computers. IF=1.174
  7. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler & Carolyn Rosé (2021). Data-Related Ethics Issues in Technologies for Informal Professional Learning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Q1 / IF=4.08 DOI:
  8. Carla Barreiros, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler & Eduardo Veas. Planting the Seed of Positive Human-IoT Interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Taylor & Francis, 2019, IF=1.354
  9. Veronica Rivera-Pelayo, Angela Fessl, Lars Müller, Viktoria Pammer. Introducing Mood Self-Tracking at Work: Empirical Insights from Call Centers. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., ACM, 2017, 24, 3:1-3:28. IF=1.293 DOI:
  10. Angela Fessl, Gudrun Wesiak, Veronica Rivera-Pelayo, Sandra Feyertag, Viktoria Pammer. In-app Reflection Guidance: Lessons Learned across Four Field Trials at the Workplace. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol 10/4, pp 488-501, 2017. DOI:  IF=2,267

Full list of Publications

See also my research profiles at Google Scholar, at ResearchGate, and my OrcID.

List of Invited Talks


Short CV from November 2023.
